all zodiac signs in hand-drawn sketch style isolated on white background
"People around the world have looked to the stars for hundreds of thousands of years to understand themselves and their place in a deeper way...if you want to understand yourself, your role in family and relationships and the world at large, then astrology should absolutely be part of the way you do that" - Astrologer and author Briana Saussy

Would you use astrology to deepen your understanding of your child's needs, strengths and weaknesses?

More than just a guide for love-seeking singletons, astrology is fast becoming a trending tool for moms and dads to personalise their parenting style, nurturing deeper bonds with their children.

So whether you're raising a fierce Aries or a sensitive Pisces, take a deep dive with us as we unpack each sun sign with the help of a few knowledgeable astrologers.


21 March - 19 April

"Aries children are of a cardinal nature and can be very creative and have a lot of energy" - Bronwyn Hadley

Bold, physically active balls of energy, that's how mom and astrologer Bronwyn Hadley describes the Aries child. Ruled by the planet Mars, Aries is often portrayed as a ram. Born between 21 March and 19 April, the Aries child is every bit the ambitious pioneer, and you're likely to see this even from an early age.


20 April - 20 May

"Taurus children are of a more fixed nature... they have the ability to stick it out and complete things" - Bronwyn Hadley

A stubborn, nature-loving iceberg, that's your Taurus child in a nutshell, according to astrologer Bronwyn Hadley. Ruled by the planet Venus, Taurus is often portrayed as a bull. Born between 20 April and 20 May, little bulls are tenacious but less outwardly expressive; there's more to this fixed earth sign than meets the eye.  


21 May and 20 June

"Gemini children need to be curious, make connections, use their verbal, logical, mental and witty abilities" - Tara Vogel

Explorative, naturally curious, and gregarious that's how astrologer Nedret Saidova defines the Gemini child. Ruled by the planet Mercury, Gemini is often portrayed as a set of twins. Born between 21 May and 20 June, the Gemini child tends to ask a lot of questions, with 'Why?' topping the list.


21 June - 22 July

"This child needs to be allowed to be moody and feel up or down as many times as necessary" - Nedret Saidova

Kind, tender, and emotional, that's unmistakably your Cancer child in a nutshell, says astrologer Nedret Saidova. Ruled by the Moon, Cancer is often portrayed as the sea-dwelling crab.  Born between 21 June and 22 July, a little Cancer feels all the feels.


23 July - 22 August

"Leo children need to know that they shine more brightly than any other child" - Dawn E. Carter

Sunny, natural-born leaders, that's how astrologer Dawn E. Carter describes the Leo child. Ruled by the Sun, Leo is often portrayed as a lion – no surprises there! Born between 23 July and 22 August, a little Leo can be surprisingly sensitive for someone so bossy.


23 August - 22 September

"Virgo children are usually neat and clean and will be willing and eager to help out with household tasks" - Dawn E. Carter

Versatile, well organised, and innately disciplined; that's how astrologer Dawn E. Carter describes the Virgo child. Ruled by the planet Mercury, Virgo is often portrayed as a modest maiden. Born between 23 August and 22 September, the Virgo child craves structure and routine, and they're usually one of the most helpful members of the family. 


23 September - 22 October

"Libra loves building bridges, has a sharp eye for the 'right measure' and enjoys making connections" - Michaela Meiser

A considerate, diplomatic team player that's your Libra child to a tee says astrologer and polarity therapist Michaela Meiser. Ruled by the planet Venus, Libra is often portrayed as a set of balanced scales. Born between 22 September and 23 October, Libra children have vivid imaginations and will love spending time creating their "own perfect little world".


23 October - 21 November

"Scorpio is a fixed water sign and thrives on intensive, emotional interaction. They want to know how things work" - Michaela Meiser

Emotional, intense little investigators; that's how astrologer and polarity therapist Michaela Meiser defines the Scorpio child. Ruled by the planet Pluto, Scorpio is often portrayed as a scorpion – and sting they do! Born between 23 October and 21 November, these children seek to explore the fascinating and intricate aspects of life which will both surprise and exhaust you. 


22 November - 21 December

"For a Sag, there is always a way. They can bring hope and faith by seeing the positive" - Michaela Meiser

Enthusiastic, daring adventurers, that's how astrologer and polarity therapist Michaela Meiser defines the Sagittarius child. Ruled by the planet Jupiter, Sagittarius is often portrayed as the mythological centaur or archer. Born between 22 November and 21 December, your Sagittarius child seeks freedom and novelty and will struggle with the structure and order of childhood. 


22 December - 19 January

"Capricorn children can be stubborn and refuse to do what they are told" - Rod Suskin

Responsible, enterprising loners, that's how astrologer Rod Suskin describes the young Capricorn. Ruled by the planet Saturn, Capricorn is often portrayed as the mythological sea-goat. Born between 22 December and 19 January, the Capricorn child's personality is often a mix of the serious and the playful. 


20 January -18 February

"Aquarian children need space and freedom to dream big about the world and their goals" - Rod Suskin

Innovative, stubborn, and social, that's how astrologer Rod Suskin defines the Aquarius child. Ruled by the planet Uranus, Aquarius is often portrayed as a water-bearer. Born between 20 January and 18 February, as a fixed air sign, the Aquarius child is as stubborn as they come. Don't be surprised if their first word is 'no'. 


19 February - 20 March

"They have a natural spiritual side which should be nurtured" - Rod Suskin

An imaginative, sensitive, snuggle-bunny that's your little Pisces to a tee, says astrologer Rod Suskin. Ruled by the planets Jupiter and Neptune, Pisces is often portrayed as two fish swimming in opposing directions. Born between 19 February and 20 March, the Pisces child is affectionate, kind and "very easy going," says Suskin.

Written by Lesley-Anne Johannes
Edited by Elizabeth Mamacos

With special thanks to astrologers:
Briana Saussy
Bronwyn Hadley
Dawn Carter
Dianne Garven
Nedret Saidova
Tara Vogel
Michaela Meiser
Rod Suskin

Find the full series here.

Note from the editor: Astrology, although a helpful tool of insight and guidance for some, is a cultural phenomenon and not based on science. Astrology has not demonstrated its effectiveness in controlled studies and has no scientific validity.