Face masks tailored to tame oily skin

I've always had oily skin. In my teens, it was the bane of my existence as it turned my youthful, porcelain skin into an acne-riddled mess that everyone felt they needed to comment on with unsolicited advice that always left me feeling worse about myself. 

As I've gotten older, my skin has started to behave and even out but, I have new skincare concerns, still caused by my oily skin. 

It's not all bad, however. 

According to Healthline, one benefit of oily skin is that you may not show signs of ageing as quickly as your drier counterparts. However, you may need to be mindful of things like cell turnover, the size of your pores and how your hormonal state affects your skin since you may face one or more of these problems simultaneously.  

For women in their 30s, addressing oily skin becomes crucial as ageing can exacerbate these concerns. 

Moving into their 40s, women may notice changes in skin elasticity and increased dryness in some areas, despite the persisting oily tendencies. It becomes essential to strike a balance in skincare routines, incorporating hydrating elements without exacerbating oiliness. 

During this stage of life, consider a routine that includes a combination of hydrating and oil-controlling products to address the evolving needs of mature skin.

This is the stage I find myself at, and after seeing some earnest reviews online, I tried the Benefit Professional Deep Retreat Pore-Cleansing Clay Mask from Edgars Beauty. 

This mask is formulated with a blend of powerful ingredients that deliver some great results. I was drawn to its primary ingredients' kaolin clay, jojoba seed oil, and salicylic acid.

Kaolin clay, known for its gentle exfoliating properties, helps to remove impurities and excess oil from the skin's surface. Salicylic acid, a beta-hydroxy acid, effectively unclogs pores and prevents breakouts. Because jojoba oil is so similar to sebum and has a high vitamin E content, it's an excellent skin softener that can smooth dry skin, prevent flakiness, and improve skin elasticity.

One of the standout benefits is the mask's remarkable ability to minimise excess oil on the skin. 

This was a game-changer for me in my fight against enlarged pores, acne, and a shiny complexion that often ruins the great make-up application I pull off each morning. 

The Benefit mask not only tackles excess oil but also promotes a smoother, more youthful complexion.

I can confidently say the Benefit Professional Deep Retreat Pore-Cleansing Clay Mask is a must-have for those battling oily skin. 

Its expertly crafted formula and powerful ingredients make it a standout product, providing a solution for excess oil while promoting healthier, more resilient skin.